Saturday 30 October 2010

Bed Designs

As part of my brief I am designing a bed cover to fit in with the range of bedroom products. I though it would be helpful before deciding on my final wallpaper to look at how the patterns would fit working in a different media. The first pattern, over all works really well and fits in with the Laura Ashley theme, the colour is very calm and still feminine although it is blue. If I do choose this pattern I still intend to use silver in the circles on the pattern this will add something unique and special to the pattern (you cant see it on the mock ups).

This first bedcover works really well I have altered the pattern slightly so it is a little different to the wallpaper patter, this will make it more interesting but it still all ties together. The pattern faded out at the top of the cover is a traditional bedcover design and works really well with the pillows which are covered in the same flowers.

I dont like this second cover as much as the first, I also feel it doesn't fit the Laura Ashley theme as well as it could, it looks more like a cheap bedcover than something from a luxury range.

The third bed cover, I really like the pattern fading up into the cover it works really well fitting in with the feminine and elegant feel you get from the pattern. However I dont feel the pillows are working at all, they take away the expensive feel of the cover and make it look cheap.

This pattern almost reminds me of Ikea and is definitely not the look I am hoping to achieve, even with the gold added to it, I feel it still wont fit in with the laura Ashley style. The plain pillows however work well with the very cluttered bedcover. After looking at the above pattern, the colour of the below seems too bright and wild to fit in with the style I am hoping to achieve, although this could fits in more with the tropical theme.

For some reason this bedcover pattern reminds me of china, im not exactly sure why but this makes me like it even less. The style of the pattern works well but it doesn't flow as well as it could. It doesn't jump out to me or make me feel it is anything special or expensive or even from Laura Ashley.

I quite like this design, however I do feel it would work much better if the colours on the main sheet were opposite, this would add a more expensive and delicate feel to the bedcover than it already has. If I am to use this pattern I need to find a way of making it look more delicate so it fits in better with the Laura Ashley theme.

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