Thursday 7 October 2010

Tropical Flowers, Birds & Butterflies

I have decided I do not want to take the typical tropical sun sea and palm tress approach with this brief, I want to use this brief as a chance to create an aesthetically beautiful piece of work. It is also my opportunity to create and work with methods i have wanted to for a long time. Taking all these into consideration, I am designing for Laura Ashley a well love'd furnishings company. The fabrics and furnishings have a very feminine quality to them, from illustration to colour and texture. This particular style they hold has driven me to research 3 areas, Tropical Flowers, Tropical Butterflies and Tropical Birds. This gives me the opportunity to stay within the tropical theme to to work with the beauty of tropical rather than the obvious.

The first 2 flowers Illustrated are the Amazon Lilly and the African Moon. I plan on collaging and digitalising before I make any decisions as to which I do and don't like best, however at this point, my least favourite is the Amazon Lilly. I am hoping to go to Tropical World to take my own photographs of these flowers so I can get better photographs to draw from for these flowers. The style of these flowers are very similar to the of work I am increasing working with. Although i am working for Laura Ashley I still want the end results to look like my work and not something I have simply copied.

These second set of flowers are Angel Wing Begonia and Blood Lilly. currently I feel the first flower, looks really bare and boring but the more thats added to it I think it will flow really beautifully across the wall, this flower is also very similar in style to some current Laura Ashley wallpaper furnishings. The second flower, is much more detailed than the first, I really like it as a singular flower however I am not sure how this flower will work across a large wall, it doesn't flow as well as the first.

Birds are a huge feature on the more expensive range of Laura Ashley wallpaper, they add to the feminine qualities of the furnishings. They need to look delicate and I think this can only really be achieved with the types of colouring I choose for them. I feel perhaps the line quality and detail may be slightly too heavy. However I shall not be able to decide on this or any alterations until I start putting things together.

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