Wednesday 13 October 2010

Birds & Flowers

Its not very clear to see on the first design but the background is covered in a pale blue flower layered on top with a darker colour of the same flower and the bird, this works really well the layout is simple but affective, if anymore of the birds or darker colour flowers were used I think it would be too cluttered and it wouldn't work across a large wall. The second design also works well mixing the two flowers an birds but it doesn't have the same impact as the first. The colour is too dark to cover a large space, but i think anything too light would show the large empty spaces in the background.

The first is really pretty and layout work really well, the combination of the flower and the bird cluster together with just the right amount of spacing. If I were to choose this design I would want to re layout the flowers so they look more naturally spread, this is the only thing I think needs developing. The second uses a similar flower design but they are smaller, this is much more detailed an perhaps on a large scale this would just be too much. The birds dont work as well with this layout the bird is too detailed to be so close to the flowers they are almost lost into the background.

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