Monday 25 October 2010

Packaging shape ideas

Im not exactly sure what I want for my packaging or in fact what is achievable, I don't want anything too fussy or over the top. From the beginning of this brief i have had simplistic in my head, non of my design ideas up to this point are over the top or cartoony and i want to keep the packaging in a similar style to my illustrations - crafted and child 'like'. I think depending on the shape of box i choose depends on what the outside illustrations will be, this in mind I have started folding some boxes to see what shapes work best. This first box is very plain and simple almost shoe box like in shape, its far too straight forward and boring and I cant imaging i would capture you attention on the shelf. A second weakness which is relevant with such a plain box is there is no window on the packaging for you to see into what the product looks like/is.

This second shape is very similar to milk cartons which links to children drinking it at school, it is also a very adaptable and interesting shape. I really like the added curve to make the bottom half more of a box shape, compared to the regular similar shape. This shape would also be very useful for fitting in all the different products within it neatly. A window could be added if necessary dependant on the over all affect of the shape and illustrations put together.

This first box shape is similar to the first picture, however it ovens at the top in one piece rather that in the centre with two pieces. It works well and there is a large space for the product to be seen,which I think may be essential at this point as most similar products I have research feature a window of some sort so you can see what you are buying into. The second box again is very similar however its much more narrow in shape and I think the curved corners in the window are much more welcoming and friendly in contrast to the one next to it. The addition of the tab of the box adds a much more professional look.

The first box is very similar to the second photograph, however this is much narrower and taller that the first, a more traditional packaging shape. I really like these two looks and I think i'm going to concentrate on this type of shape, it suits my designs and theme really well. This second box is interesting because its a different type of shape to the others, it looks professional and has a window, i'm just not sure how my work will fit with it, I can only figure this out by applying my designs to all of these shapes which is my next step.

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