Friday 15 October 2010

Packaging Ideas - Baking set

I have started looking at different ways I can package my product, as from my research this is as important as the products inside it. I want my packaging to reflect the insides of the product but to keep a child like quality to it. It needs to be fun as well as informative to draw 2 audiences, first the parents buying the product either for a fun weekend or as a present, but also the child, they need to want to grab it of the shelf to tell mum to buy it.

These first designs are mostly based on a box type shape and card material, I feel an area that must be included in the packaging is to be able to see inside the box so you can see all the pieces included, this is important for 2 reasons first the product is in a competitive market and the consumer wants to be able to see what they are buying compare to another. Secondly it adds interest for the child as to what all the different pieces are and what you do with them, its more than just a box.

The second set of designs are based on a product that is more reusable that the first set, they each include handles which is something I found a strength in the more expensive products I have posted to my blog, but there is also a save and tidy place to keep all the pieces every time they have been used. This is definitely a reason to pay a little bit extra for the product when you have lots of young children.

For the last two posts I have tried to think of more experimental types of packaging, and different possibilities of shapes and materials. Some of these work really well however I have to think about the production of them, some may be a bit too out there for me to produce with the materials I have available to me, but I can only really decide this through experimenting and folding.

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