Sunday 10 October 2010

Flowers Digitalized

I mentioned on an earlier post the layering of stock and hand drawn images wasn't working as successfully as it could. I have opted to digitalise these in a similar way to how I digitally collage my work however instead of collage I am using flat colour. This is very typical of wallpaper illustrations, and in keeping with Laura Ashley style.
I began my illustrations using pen and went on the experiment with nib and ink, I decided to use this similar experimentation with layering, the first circle is very neat and round and the second is much more varied in shape and loose. The first is too strict and harsh, especially for the free flowing flower encased within it, the second circle looks much more welcoming and fits with the flowers style. This decision lead me on to hand drawing circles and scanning them in to use, it works much more successfully and fits the style I want my wallpaper to have.

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