Thursday 28 October 2010

New Patterns

I have got straight on to designing some new wallpaper patterns to move forward with. All 3 are developed patterns from my previous swatches, I have taken aspects from the ones I personally like and ones that fit well with the Laura Ashley brand, I have tried to mix both of these and come up with 3 new patterns. All 3 of these patterns are shown in their basic form and all could be printed as this version as a 'basic' range, however I intend to add something a little extra to these to make them speciality.

This first patten was one of my favourite from my original designs, I wasn't convinced however that it would fit in with the Laura Ashley Brand, so I went back to the shop and looked at their range within this colour scheme and pattern. I found this design does fit, however it is not an obvious Laura Ashley design, which is what I have found when getting feedback from other people on which pattern to choose. This could be problematic but as I am designing speciality wallpaper I think I could work around this.

I really like this pattern and its different from the rest with the choice of colour, this flower pattern is probably the most similar to the Laura Ashley range, this is positive in the fact it fits in as an obvious choice, but I never wanted to design something obvious, which puts me of developing this further. Finally I have really struggled with laying this pattern out side to side and top to bottom, I have only managed to achieve the top to bottom, as matching side to side includes corners which is where it becomes complicated. With this in mind I dont really have to time to spend working out the layout which would be needed for a repeat pattern of this.

This final pattern is a development of my first attempt at screen printing. I decided to do this as I originally got the best feedback for that pattern and the individual aspects of it, I felt I just needed to develop on the points I rose on my previous post. I have firstly changed the colour, making them deeper in tone and less harsh making the illustrations clearer and more fitting with the Laura Ashley colours. Secondly I have changed the layout and size of the birds and central flower. To achieve a fuller affect I have added two bird to each flower and enlarged the central flower, this really helps with the overall composition of the pattern. I much prefer the final pattern design now I have developed the weaker areas.

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