Tuesday 19 October 2010

WallPapers Developed

After printing out my initial wallpaper samples, I looked at what was working best and also asking others opinions on what looked the most professional. The flower pattern I have used on this post seemed most popular and I have finalised a colour scheme of blues. The first wallpaper design, is working really well the two birds rather than one adds a bit more to the image, however a few comments have suggested I make the branch link to the flowers so it flows a bit more and not make the white space so circular, so I am going to develop this and see if it works any better.

I commented on the fact i really liked the detail of this flower, however viewing it on screen wasn't doing it justice and you couldn't fully appreciate it. Now i have printed it, it works much better and works clean and clear across a wall. The above wallpaper is much fresher looking than the previous similar designs, I think establishing a colour theme has helped this, but staying with just flowers doesn't introduce too many themes into the room.

This is probably my least favourite, I don't feel the bird is working to its advantage, the flying birds work much better with a large singular flower. However I could potentially add a larger flower into the wallpaper and reduce the amount of smaller flowers to avoid it being too cluttered.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Anna

    just to remind you to look at Rachel Kelly kind of the first to do interactive wallpaper

    My friends have a company called fifi and lola which make give you inspiration on the cupcake side of things

    Be careful that your wallpapers don't look flat s experiment with line weight and depth of field. I also think that the birds may be too small?

    Have a research into tropical colours and get some colour palettes on the go. Try and incorporate it into your muted designs so it is subtle not overbearingly TROPICAL (if that makes sense!)
