Monday 25 October 2010

Type Developed

After developing the recipe type, I realised it would be much more positive start to look at the outside type and information, before I look at the inside. I have again hand drawn the type, but this time I have been able to look around different style as it is for a header. The first is really simplistic and could work across a range of designs. There is noting particularly memorable about it, but on the positive its legible and in keeping with the theme.

The second is very similar to the hand drawn recipes I posted earlier, I feel for a header and representing the product on a shelf, it doest jump out at you, this is partially due to the thinness of the type and possibly the colour. However I really like the linking of the letters they flow really nice from one to the other.

This is one of my favourite, its really playful and different from the rest the only small problem I have with it is im not sure how well it will work the illustrations or on a larger scale.

This is another favourite, most of my initial quite designs had this style of type on them, and when I was younger I used to do this all the time to my titles, this is where I originally got the idea from, to try and tie in with the audience. It also fills a bit of extra space and makes the lettering stand out and present it as a title which is what I feel the others were missing.
Im not sure I like this, but there are small things I like; the two different types and sizes works really well and add something a little different to the titleing, especially as I want my design to be quite minimal with nothing too fussy, this would really help add a focus to the product.

I like the style of this type face, but not for use as a main brand title it doesn't bounce out to me which is what this product ideally needs, especially when next to other competitive brands. However that aside I do feel this type of type would be suitable for the recipe lists as its not to fussy but still interesting to look at, if I am to look at this style the colour will not be taken forward, it looks really cheap and amateur.

This type is in a similar style to the one above, however the line is not as neat and because of this I don't think its works as well. The word 'set' works really nice with the reverse of colours this is similar to the laser cut types I have as a possibility. On a larger scale mixed with lots of pattern i'm not sure this would work as well I will have to test it out.

Finally this is my least favourite and doesn't fit in with the style I am going for, the type i need needs to be quite simplistic especially as the pattern work is quite fussy. To move forward and to make any final decisions I need to get some peer feedback and lay them out with patterns on potential possible mockups.

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