Friday 22 October 2010

Hand drawn recipes

I really want to push with the hand made feel for my packaging and I feel all the contents should reflect this. I have started by doing some hand written type for the ingredients list, I have seen some designs I like which I have posted to my context blog, however i'm not sure these are really working, they are only at there initial stage so i'm not going to dismiss them yet. The first two are written in the same way, but one with ink and nib and the second with pen. At this stage I have to say I dont like them, they dont fit with the look I am currently going for.

This is definitely the area in the cooking set which is my weakness so I need to try and spend as much time developing on the recipes as I can. However considering this I think it would benefit me to design almost everything else establishing a style and types and then use this to design the recipe pages.

This is probably my favourite, it is the most playful, child like but still neat. The only problem is that it may not be very legible with a whole set of cooking instructions underneath as well as the set of ingredients.

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