Sunday 21 November 2010

Type & Illustration

I thought it would be best to keep the same shape to what they already use, especially as I am producing a bag for these butter to go in. The colour theme is based on the African rustic look and the colours of the beans, I do really like the brown but i think the colour is too flat it needs some texture to it. Whilst developing these labels I have also had the idea to use foil on the label this would give it a unique quality which is something it needs being a limited addition label.

The type I have used for the first label is very hand written it really suits the style of illustration and they work together really well. However I am really worried about the fact it is nothing like the Body Shop type which is a concern. I think I really need to raise this issue as its starting to get in the way of my development choices.

The second type face is similar to the bold look of the Body shop text, it doesn't work as well as the hand written type, I think I will try it with the thinner type to see the different but at this point I think I need to make a decision as to weather to leave this alone and move forward or stick with it. It does work and in some ways looks more professional because of the style of text but does it work well enough for the style I want for this brief. I am going to experiment further with other illustrations and ideas first to get a larger body of work to compare it to.

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