Wednesday 3 November 2010

Children's cooking apron

After evaluating the patterns, I thought best before making any final decisions to test the patterns out on an example of some aprons, one of the outlined products in the brief.

The first apron has, what I evaluated to be the best of the patterns I had created. It works really well set out in this way and the colored straps really help set of the colours in the buns. The size of the buns and amount used in my opinion is exactly right, if they were any smaller it would be too cluttered.

This second pattern is the one I found dullest and the lest likely one to use, I still believe it is dull and not very interesting to look at, however in the apron shape and surrounded by white space it does look more appealing. But I am still not convinced that this pattern will be a successful choice.

This pattern is the one I felt was the most unisex of all the patterns I had developed, It does work really well if I choose to create a unisex product and not go with the suggestions of either one boy and one girl or a range of other bake sets. I think if I do choose to use the unisex idea I will develop this further and change the pattern slightly so there are some upside down as well as upright buns.
This again is a pattern I really liked, more for the layout and repeat that the use of buns. This is very similar to the first apron but is not as bright and 'tasty looking'. If I do infact choose the top pattern I think it will be useful to experiment with a similar layout to the one below to see if it helps make the design any more successful.

They laying out of the pattern on the apron shape it has helped my confirm which patterns to take forward, I mentioned on the previous post this pattern was too full an cluttered. It still is this and very uninspiring, the colour scheme still is dull even with the added extra of the colored ties, which has helped make the others more vibrant.

Again I really like this and am not beginning to wish I had concentrated more on this style of illustration than the collage for the majority of my work. I dont think I will use this pattern however I do intend to use this style in some future work as it is really successful and I have had a lot of comments on it.

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