Tuesday 2 November 2010

Recipe layouts and Type faces

After establishing what design I will be using though crit feedback and speaking to Joe I finally felt it was time to start developing some recipe cards. I have looked at pattern and type to see which works best. Firstly the background pattern is linked to the outside pattern on the packaging. This is an idea I have had for a while, it doesn't work as well as I had hoped so i may take this out. I tested out the colour for the pattern against a range of colours I had used for the inside products, this seemed to work the best with the text on top of it.

All of the type faces I have used are from 'dafont' this first one works really well, its easy to read and fits in with the child like type I was hoping to achieve. I wanted this look to tie in with the crafted and child like product I have made. I do feel however this fades into the background with it being quite thin, it need to be a bit bolder to make it stand out from the background pattern.

The second type doesn't work as well, the style fits but the type is too thin and narrow which isn't as easy to read as the type above. This also doesn't fit in as well with the current style of the outside of the packaging and inside products.

This type works well, it looks yummy and childlike, which is exactly what I want its legible and reads well, which is necessary for children to read when following the instructions.

The final type is very similar to the above type however this one is slightly bolder, looking at this in comparison to the previous type I can see that the previous is slightly too thin which the above being a bit chunkier it stands out from the pattern much clearer.

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