Monday 10 May 2010

Science revision cards

For a professional quality i need to look at some quality paper stock, and keep in with the types used in education. I have come across mostly card matt and card glossy, i think the glossy will look really nice on the back of the cards with the information side being matt, but i will need to test out these different possibilities first.

These illustrations are working really well even on a small scale, the bright vibrant colours and shapes really help bring it to life. I have tried to pick out the key parts of the questions and illustrate them more, to keep the interest even if the topics can be boring to the child.

Again as i mentioned earlier the type faces really are not working together, im not sure which to change to i really need to talk to some other people and get feedback, from some different people as in my last crit people thought they looked fine, but i no something is wrong. I think the best option is to test out some more type faces, perhaps more hand written ones for the question as its too modern not fitting in wit the theme.

Another area to develop further would be the bitesize bars at the top and bottom of the cards, they dont fit in with the rest of the illustrations. Im going to test this out with the collage logos i made earlier and collage bars, not together as i think this will be too much  but this will add to the theme and link together really well.

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