Tuesday 4 May 2010

History developed

Now i have developed this with the collage and colour scheme it works much better and i feel it really fits in well with the age of key stage 2 children, its not too grown up or serious, but yet its interesting enough to look at and feel curious. The above gas mask still works much better than the below one even with the coloring, the below mask still looks very odd.

You still cant fully understand or visualise that the above is an Anderson shelter so i think i shall be leaving this one hear. The image below works much more successfully and i can see a lot of deep meaning represented through this such as the fact it looks like a prison, such a small confined space where people spend hours of their lives trying to stay alive from the bombings.

Out of the four airplanes, the above and below i feel work the best, im not sure why but i want to illustrate these in much more detail if i can find a better picture as this could be a key image i use for my book covers.

I really like the ration book and feel this could be a successful element for the posters using it and showing how a ration book would have been used and why. I think the darker colour scheme works better than the above as it much clearer to read.
I tested out using a different colour to see if it made it anymore interesting for the clothing ration book, this doesn't work at all aswell as the brow coloring, plus it doesn't really make sense to use it as there wouldn't have been colours paper available anyway.

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