Thursday 20 May 2010

proposed web ideas

The current web pages are all the same style layout and color, I don't want to take this forward with my layouts, they look really dull and uninspiring, which you don't want when your trying to 'learn'. I have tried to keep a similar style and colour theme through all the products which I feel is really helping to bring all the different aspects together. With the webpages I still want them to have a hand rendered feel, but this is much more difficult as it is an on screen item and iv never really designed for on screen.

This is probably my favorite so far, the layout and different aspects working together seems to be the best so far. I do feel it has something missing from it though, there is something not quite right. I really want to get some feedback on these designs to help me progress and develop them.

This one just doesn't have enough on it, where is all the information? the type faces just don't sit right. I this ill have another go an feeding more information into the page and see how that works.

One word horrendous! why well everything about it the layout is the main issue, this is really proving to be a weakness in my work this module.

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