Sunday 9 May 2010


I have finally decided to give up on geography, it really wasn't inspiring me so i have decided to change subject to science, i can still use some the illustrations i have already made, as i am looking at 'earth moon and sun'. I have decided to illustrate the obvious and then some to be used for revision cards.

The moon, i really like this, the collage effect works really nice with the different shades and textures of the moon, the only problem with this could be if people recognize it as the moon, for this i will need to show it to people and see their reactions on it. If it doesn't work ill have to have a rethink and change it.

The sun, i really like this and when you look at pictures of the sun it look so similar to this, with really bright colours and pulses of texture. Its really hard to illustrate something thats so bright and has as obvious symbol people relate to. It has had mixed reactions, but i really want to go for it, its so detailed and interesting i think children will thrive on this and want to look at and learn about it.

The trees are for a revision card, with the question about shadows, traditionally children draw trees similar to the above tree so this might fit in really well, but ill have to see how it works with the whole layout on the card.
The below tree is a bit too dull i think i really need some green adding especially to fit in with the whole leaves on trees when the sun is out. But i do really like this tree shape so im going to look at adding some greenery to it.

This works much better i really like how vibrant the green leafs look it really jumps out and looks interesting to visualise with for the question. Before i make any decisions i shall need to test it out on the revision cards.

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