Monday 24 May 2010


Now i have decided on the content of the revision cards and the colour and themes running through them and the book covers i have finally started the posters. These are intended to be A1 classroom posters, keeping in with my aim of illustrating information in a more interesting way so children want to pay attention to them and don't get bored.

I decided to start with the Literacy as this would be the least illustrative and hold the most information so would be the hardest to make interesting. The poster above really isn't working It just looks boring and uninspiring all together. The text at the bottom just disappears into the background so i need to look at changing this to start with.

This second layout is even worse, the type was hard to read on the first poster so i thought about including a box similar to that on the back of the book covers, but there is not enough information here for such a large amount of space. On the positive side the white inside of the main part of text helps make it stand out and focus your attention, the colour blue doesn't work because it fades into the background however if i transfer this onto the orange type it would work much better.

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