Friday 7 May 2010

Revision cards

I did some quick illustrations earlier for the backgrounds of the revision cards and i mentioned i wanted to change the current logo slightly to fit in with my illustration and theme i am developing. I have started to do this is time for the crit so i can get some visuals out and see how people feel they are working. I really like the first attempt at a new look for the logo, all i have changed is the solid orange to collage orange and although it isn't next to any of my current work i feel this is going to work much better with my work than the solid colored logo they use. I am going to develop this idea further and try collaging the blue area as well. But i also hope to get some different ideas from feedback in the crit.

This looks awful, but i thought id post it so you can all see what i wont be moving forward with, this solid blue colour against the bitesize logo just doesn't work at all, especially with this blue colour. Another negative about this is it isn't individual to the subject either so from the back you couldn't tell which subject it was from. I really need to add this to them i think it will add to the quality and professionalism of them.

Again awful, these really aren't working, i think its because i no the type faces really aren't working, i really need some good crit feedback here. However the collage behind the fish is quite interesting it looks like scales of a fish, this could be something to develop, its the only part on the page that jumps to life and adds texture an colour to the page, it need more of this.

The colours just look awful together, the reason i choose blue was to fit in with the fish and sea theme but this colour really doesn't work. An individual colour per subject may work well, something vibrant and fun is definitely needed!

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