Thursday 20 May 2010

Proposed web background

I have chosen to run with this idea, although there are not as many different choices to choose from because i have been a busy bee and these took me a while to make.... i did no from the beginning i wanted to keep them really similar to the book covers, so i have chosen to follow a similar layout. This will help the children make the connection between each subject and product. I am still not convinced this idea works, but i haven't got much time left i want to get some feed back from people first and then make any amendments if necessary.

What i feel is working on the web layouts are the orange banner across the top, this is a much more interesting banner than the current one they are using. I like the use of simple illustration working along side this. I also feel there is a strong connection with running the colour of subject through each product, this works really well and keeps the subjects up beat and different. The current pages are all the same style and colour and look so uninspiring.

The areas i am still unsure of and i need to develop further are the layout of the content, as i mentioned earlier i have struggled with this are and find it difficult to position things out. Im not sure if this is too formal, it doesn't quite suit the child like type faces and imagery used, perhaps if i draw the shapes i am going to use so they have a more hand crafted feel to them like the other aspects of the web page.

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