Tuesday 9 March 2010

Rebrand development

You can really get the full idea of this pattern, unless your in my head. This would be the coloring for the apple drink, however if we want to continue with this drink, i need to add purples to represent the blueberry in the drink as well. I also really don't like the green silhouette, as you will see further down the black or a contrasting colour would look much better. Perhaps as i mentioned i needed to add purple to represent blueberry, the man could be purple. I shall have to develop this further testing this out.

This illustration is representation for the orange drink, i think this works quite well, perhaps it would be better for the orange to be more of a circular shape, so i can plan this out for development, if we wish to continue with this idea.

Both above are filled with blackberries again the fruit matching the drink hear rather than the colour. Both are reversed out in different ways. This actually works quite well, i do prefer the bottom silhouette but i prefer how the top one is reversed out. This is definitely something we can look at further. There are two different interpretations, image vs collage, i think feed back from other people would really help here.

After looking at the current label and how the new logo will work, i feel using a colored silhouette works much better, as there isn't any black on the current label as it is, its just looks odd. I also took feedback from other people and they felt the colour and the fruity background works much better with the theme of the drinks and adds to the healthy natural element it has. The below is currently what i have in mind for the logo and the others will follow similar.

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