Monday 22 March 2010

Billboard ideas?

I really like these images and below i have tried to illustrate what i want our work to be displayed like for our final boards. They look really bright and airy and i think they illustrate through the photograph and message what we have been trying to portray through our new labels.

The layout of this works really well, it almost looks like chris is throwing the ball into the bottle, the type face isn't working very well but the short slogan sounds and fits well with the new image.

I think this image and slogan work really nice together they connect really well, however this type face doesn't work, its not strong enough to push through the powerful message.

This layout works much better with the emphasis being on the bottle and the image and sports factor just being an add on in the background, i do feel this may work better if there was a person in the background playing a sport. The typeface is too much it takes it away from the label and doesn't really seem to fit the style of the i will be using with the new label.

This layout it similar to most drink adverts, does work well but i dont just want to stick to the norm, i really want the drink to leep out of the advert and this really doesn't. As well as that this type face doesn't work, it firstly doesn't follow the same theme as the label and the image we are trying to portray, its too serious and bulky.

This is probably my favorite layout so far, its a shame we haven't been able to photograph any female sports, then we would really be able to push this forward in a positive direction.

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