Monday 22 March 2010

Label Development

I felt at this point in the brief it would be really beneficial to star looking at type faces working with the image and the label as there is a lot to consider i really want feedback in the crit for this, as its one of the main parts of the brief.

I really like this type face and feel it works across the label with all areas of information and different layouts. I think the size and colours used suit the drink flavor, the style fits in really nice with the illustration. I have tried to follow the same layout of the current label as i didn't want to move too far away from it, my intentions at the moment are to change the front part of the label this basically being the logo and brand name. The only part i dislike about this layout and style is the size of the new illustration its far too small.

My second design, i don't like as much, the style of the type works nice but when put all together i don't feel it fits al well as others i have chosen. I also feel the front part of the label layout isn't working, the way the type is present straight above the font just doesn't seem to sit right, i have increased the size of the illustration here which is better but it still needs more.

This label uses a type face similar to the current one, so i mostly looked at laying out the label differently with the new illustration, i really like this but the 'feel good' would perhaps look and work better if it were larger along with the flavour of the juice.

The name of the juice isn't visible enough here it sinks into the label and doesn't jump out like it should when sat on a shelf with other drinks. I also feel this type face is too fussy when put together as you can see on the right side it all merges together and isn't as easy to read as others.

This is the same type face, but looking at a different layout, the font size need to still be much bigger, i have added a small slogan about the drink here also 'naturally energizing' to try and link the drink further to a sports drink, but that doesn't really work where it is, it just seems to sit there.

This type face is perhaps a little too child like and takes it away too much from looking anything sport like, making the drink look more feminine than it did before. However the type face size is much larger here than in any on the previous designs, it again still needs to be larger and so does the illustration, but it does seem to be working a little better.

Following with the same type, i really like the layout of the 'feel good' above and below the illustration, i seems to be heading in the right direction filling up the space and grabbing your attention. I do however not like the 'naturally energizing' at the top, it just floats randomly so im going to leave this idea here.

This final design has something about it i really like, i think its the layout of the label and how it takes up so much of the front space. I think this seems to work the most as an energy drink but i really need to see what everyone else thinks and investigate this further.

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