Monday 22 March 2010


We had our feedback crit today in which we presented all our work, i discussed with the group the layout and font styles i have presents earlier. I had my favorites which i mentioned but i wanted to get a wider range of views. The overall comments where that the logo worked much better larger and the 'feel good' around the top of the image similar to how it already is. We also discussed the font styles i had chosen and most people agreed i should leave the current font and not change it too much, as i am no entirely re branding 'feel good' i am rebranding the concept feel good hold. One really relevant and useful bit of feedback i got was that so far i have used male imagery and the drink and label really are more 'girly' so perhaps it would be more beneficial if i changed them to be girls sports. Although this would change the current concept - trying to get people to get up and on the go, a free sport you can do in your free time, to sports which are now 50% you can still do it by your self etc but also now 50% aimed at paid sports and groups such as netball. I think this new concept is much stronger, as a dancer myself if i were to see something like this i would be swayed into buying this rather than lucozade. In the crit someone also made a relevant comment that most energy drinks on the market are targeted and look like male drinks, there aren't any 'girly' energy drinks out there so there is a gap in the market for us.

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