Tuesday 9 March 2010

Basketball photographs.

Along with rebranding the bottle as a natural energy drink, we want to promote the drink in its environment, we want a strong feeling of energy and motivation. The aim through these images is to make people feel they want to get up and do that. Because of this we have chosen to look at everyday sports people can do for free or with their friends, as our target audience suits this and they will be paying a little extra for the drink, im sure they wont want to be paying extra for the sport as well.We decided to start with basketball, so we didn't need to get anyone involved or interrupt them as we didn't no if this idea would work out. We took lots of photographs and narrowed them down to the ones shown below.

When photographing we initially wanted to capture action shots, i think this one is a really good photo, it shows the power and energy needed but also the shape and position is really interesting to look at especially if you aren't currently involved in the sport it looks really fun. This image would be ideal for a silhouette which is something i have in mind for the rebrand of the label at the moment.

This shot is too light due to the light, as you will see the further down you go depending on the place i stood and photographed, the images got different feels. The position of this is also i feel a little plain it doesn't exert energy and movement.

The position of chris here looks a little odd and i dont particularly like the composition of this, there is too much in the background and not enough focus on Chris and the sport, compared to others.

Again some of these images appear quite lazy which is not what we are trying to promote, and some don't even look like he is playing basketball. This is because due to the light that day, it was so bright and chris was moving so fast at time the camera found it quite hard to focus on Chris, so i end up with beginning at end movement. I was successful on some occasions and these work really well.

These are some examples of really bad lighting, im stood behind the basketball stand hear, there are really interesting and i really like the effect the sky has, its surprising how they have turned out form such a small thing because as i mentioned earlier it was a very bright day.

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