Thursday 11 February 2010


Subject & Rational.
A set of 5 idents promoting Batman Film week, they will mainly be influenced by The Dark Knight and Batman Begins. 
They idents will be for film 4, and the audience will be familiar to batman films already. The idents will show the deeper and darker side to batman so the idents will be aimed towards adults rather than young children.
Design Direction.
The tone of voice will reveal the darker side to batman, i will use existing batman audio and stills to do this. i shall use memorable imagery and lines for the chosen films in hope of drawing a larger audience in.
The design concept will mainly be stop frame, this will give be the best effect when considering my skills and tone i want to fain for my outcomes.  The film 4 will be animated and will follow the theme of batman. Currently my choice of colour for this is limited to black, white or red, these are consistent with batman films and film 4.  

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