Wednesday 3 February 2010

Potential finals.


  1. Key imagery and quotes used work well to communicate batman season. Ident 01 however is weaker than the others in representing 'Batman'. Perhaps use a different sequence.
    Researched into suitable idents.
    Exploration with the film4 logo is good. However, we think you should use the red one and make it yellow (like the batman classic logo) and perhaps tweak the edges to make the final frame logo look like it's the batman typeface. Have it zoom in from the edges like presented in the crit.
    The visual quality is strong, and the film clips works. They work best when they're really angular.
    Using the stop frames in his manner has proved really effective. It gives you the freedom to play with the logo sequence.
    Show more of your storyboards for each clips and storyboard for other clips. Even simple 6 frame storyboards will do. As they are making use of film stills the storyboards shouldn't take as long to produce, make the most of this and do lots of different ideas.
    Also makesure you storyboard all the logo development.

  2. 1. What do you think behind the idea of my idents (them being almost like clips from the film) do you think they work?

    You can see that you have researched the films well and have chosen good clips to use. The danger is that you don't experiment and develop these enough, so you should try some ways of manipulating these images and evidence it on your blog. The clips work well so you should focus on the 'Film Four' graphic at the end, experimenting with lots of possibilities (like you've already done).

    2. Which Film 4 end do you prefer the red or white?

    I like the red one personally, but I'd love to see a black version to fit with the Batman theme. It would also bo interesting to see if you can use the Film Four graphic as a mask that reveals other imagery, perhaps another clip or a still from the movie.

    3. What improvements could you suggest?

    Just try manipulating the image, with Photoshop, After Effects, maybe by hand. You could also find other scenes or images from the films that have potential, and experiment with how this could be applied to your videos. Also look at other Film Four, E4, and More 4 idents for inspiration on what to do with yours. There may be somethings you can use, or things you can improve upon. You need to evidence this all on your blog, as at the minute it's hard to see the link between your research and the resolutions, and how it has affected your design decisions.

    4. Do you think i need to add more or better storyboards?

    I don't see the point in working with hand drawn storyboards, as most of the imagery you're working with already exists. Timelines would probably be a better way to work, using screengrabs to experiemnt with pace and audio.

    5. Do you no how i can upload just mp3 sound clips?

    David has used Soundcloud, which seems to be like a youtube for audio. I've used Soundclick before, but you have to register as an artist before you can uplaod files.
