Thursday 4 February 2010

Final Crit Evaluation.

Brief Title
Batman film week for superhero film season.

Subject and Rational 
The dark and deeper side to Batman. The theme for my idents will be the the layout of the film - a scene from the films - sound track and film 4 ending. I also intend for the audio and film clips to be memorable moments from the films. A second theme running throughout will be that i use stop frame animation for them all, this way they will all run as a set.  

The idents will be for film 4. The audience is not gender specific, the will be for adults not children as the idents are specifically for showing the deeper and darker side. I have tried to avoid the fun and joke side which some of the films have. The audience will also be familiar with Batman films as i have used memorable quotes to trigger them into wanting to watch the film again. 

The tone of voice is informative and dark. It will play on the audience’s existing knowledge of the Batman films, and high light memorable areas of the film where something exciting is happening. The design concept for the idents will be stop frame, i have chosen this because my skills are not very wide and i am trying to play to some strengths?! The idents are influenced specifically by two films The Dark Knight and Batman Begins, originally my intention was to include a larger variety of films but i ran out of time. The way i will incorporate colour is with the film 4 ending, after feed back it was decided i should use red as it represents Film 4 and makes the logo look more like it is to be used in the real world. 


Change the Film 4 ending to red.
Make more DVD backgrounds.
Storyboard all different Film 4 endings.
Screen grab or Time line idents.
Create draft motion graphics for all 5 idents
Make ident 1 smoother.

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