Friday 5 February 2010

Final DVD Menu's

- Just to mention the final buttons are not displayed in this way anymore, now on the main pages the buttons will fit within the grey grey line and the button name will be underneath the button. The type will be in white and when the button in highlighted it will turn white. When i put my DVD backgrounds into dvd studio pro i had problems with the buttons, you could barley read the type on the buttons because they were so small so i decided to change them and they work really well.

 - the buttons for the menus representing finals and test will be presented as above however when highlighted the main central buttons will turn white. 
I have also changed the buttons to the right of the page (home and other menu) they are also now presented in a grey box and work in the same way as the others, they are black and when highlighted turn white. This way all the buttons follow a theme and nothing gets confused. 

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