Friday 19 February 2010

Image - Brief 1 - development

This is one of my cell drawing taken into photoshop, i have changed it slightly but the idea behind the white cell being attacked i feel is still represented through this image. i think it works really well, i just want to get a few peoples opinions on the background colour as i'm not sure its works, however it is relevant to the image.

Another of my cells, this one tells the story much clearer, the green cells are supposed to be attacking the white cell, perhaps this would work a little better if the white cell and green cells had some sort of connection showing them taking over the white. But at the moment i much prefer the above clearer white cell than the below one which is colored in.

This was my initial idea as soon as i read the article, there are aspects of it i really like such as the beginning imagery but towards the end it becomes really weak and just doesn't work as well as i had hoped.

Moving away completely from my initial idea this new idea is ment to show how confused we get over simple things. I don't like the above image the question mark just doesn't quite work.

I have simplified it down even more, i think it works quite well and the colour scheme also looks good on the article.

For this article i have tried to create something really quite simple almost pictogram like. The above represents a broken heart but also two people which is defined by the colour and circular heads. The colour scheme has been taken from facebook colours. Although it works well on its own here im not sure its successful on the article.

This second image is much more straight forward in what it represents, although i wanted simple for this article i think this is too simple.

I really struggled with this article, it just confused my mind and i didn't see the point in the article anyway, the shape i was given to illustrate in made it even more difficult, iv tried out a few things and non really work i like the safe but it doesn't really fit in with the box. So i have decided to leave this and concentrate on the other 3 articles.

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