Friday 19 February 2010

Image- Brief 1 rational.

Visual images working alongside 4 separate articles. The images produced must communicate the information given in the article.

Who needs to know?
Specifically people whom the article is aimed at, but the image should also be able to draw in people who dont generally read the articles in the magazine.

What do they need to know?
The relationship between the image and the article and what the article is about.

What will they respond to?
They will relate to the image, understand it and want to read the information in the article.

What research is required?
What imagery the Guardian uses and who designs them? to get a sense of style so i can communicate the issues' addressed in the article.
Images relating to the articles i could use as a secondary source.
Ask peoples opinions and follow their responses to see if my images work for the articles.
Look at other imagery used in similar subject matters.

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