Monday 27 September 2010

What do i want? What do i need?

  • to work on different collage styles.
  • to work on photography.
  • screen printing.
  • book binding.
  • experiment with different hand crafting methods.
  • type as image.
  • enjoy my last year.
  • design things i take personal interest in.
  • a good dissertation.
  • learn new skills.
  • achieve a 2.1 overall.
  • Website.
  • Placement.
  • Business Cards.
  • Get my name out their.
  • Freelance.
  • Professional feedback.
  • Better my skills on Illustrator and Photoshop.
  • Enter competitions.
  • Meet self made deadlines.
  • Learn more from the feedback.
  • Evaluate my work better.
  • Research other designers more.
  • Go on visits.
  • Improve putting my work together at the end.

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