Monday 27 September 2010

Statement of Intent Year 3 (draft)

Year 3


My design practice will focus towards illustration and hand crafting i intend to experiment these in different forms to cover as many different areas i am interested in. These areas will include methods such as paper crafting, screen print, bookbinding, collograph and collage. I intend to use these to cover areas i am interesting in designing for such as packaging.

My main interest for design in print and i want to use 3rd year as an opportunity to experiment with the different areas within print, i feel this will benefit my work and give me different knowledge in which different methods work best for each design process. I have chosen to put aside screen based work, this may add a huge gap to my work, by doing this however i do feel i will get the best out of 3rd year for myself and the chance to grow in the areas i enjoy and am best at.

My approach towards design seems to follow a crafted illustration, blog posts over the summer show the direction i want to move towards with my own work. I enjoy working with packaging as well as illustration, i want to learn more about different crafting approaches and transferring these into my work.

Statement of Intent

I want to produce a range of work to not only strengthen my portfolio but areas i take a personal interest in. I plan to use this time to experiment with the different areas i have mentioned above. The briefs i have written follow these interests and allow me to focus on the areas i want to develop and work in.

Other than briefs and studying inside college my main goal is to get at least one placement, i feel i need to industry experience before i can make any career decisions, i also feel it well help me decide where i fit in the design industry, do i want to work in a small or large design studio or even freelance. Placement will also give me the opportunity to make contacts and to get some feedback on my work.


The briefs i have written will enable me to develop my skills and express my interests within design. I am happy with the briefs i have chosen and feel there is enough room to adjust as my work progresses and develops. The range within my briefs allows for a variance in my portfolio whilst still showing the types of work i like to best work in.


To undertake each brief i will have to identify different areas of research, i intend to have a more hands on approach in my 3rd year and gain professional feedback to help support and improve my work. A new research aspect i plan on following is getting feedback from someone related to the work produced.

Practical development

As each brief differs i cannot be certain of each method or workshop i will be using, however i have stated that i intend yo to use as many different skills and workshops so i cant learn and improve my work as much as possible. I want to concentrate on my crafting skills and improving the finer details.

Recording, Documentation and Evaluation

The main source of documentation will be shown through my development and evaluation on each blog. I intend to get much more feedback from my tutors and peers, not just from crits but also at key stages in my development processes. I also hope to get feedback from professionals this will be very valuable to my work and help improve it.

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