Monday 27 September 2010

5 do want & 5 dont want.

What do i want and why?
  1. Experiment with different collage styles. To get a deeper understanding of each and be able to establish my best working method and style.
  2. To create an identity. So i can have presence in the industry, people can find me online and i have professional documentation to give them.
  3. Get placements. To experience the professional industry and see which types on environment i like working in, whilst experiencing fast moving briefs.
  4. Feed back from professionals. So i can positively improve my work and create a really good portfolio.
  5. Photography. A sill i have wanted to work on for a while, its a weakness in my work even just photographing finished briefs. however i expect it to take its place more in 3rd year with the different collage techniques i am experimenting with.
What i dont want to do and why?

  1. Type and Layout. It is not an area in my design path i am choosing to follow it isn't really an interest in mine and i find it too fiddly and precise to concentrate on. I am however open to type as image.
  2. Moving image. I feel very uncomfortable in this area, i thinks there is just too much for me to do and remember and i cant get my head around the simplest of things. I am however open to making the images of someone to be used.
  3. Character Design. I find it hard to draw a character and put personality into it, i cant visualise this in my head to then draw it on paper.
  4. Branding. Im not driven to do this, iv found it hard to create a brand or identity for myself never mind an area i dont know about. I also find it quite restrictive which i dont like.

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