Wednesday 20 January 2010

Story boards

So these are some initial story boards, the first 3 are some we had to make for crit (the other 3 are screen grabs on the next post) My first ideas really are to possible use silhouettes and moving type in time to the audio i will be using. Its quite basic but i need to start basic and progress hopefully as im quite limited with what i can do atm.
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- just to add i have made these now and they are awful and plus they don't last very long at all soo initial idea scrapped.

all the above storyboards are imagery from films, i have developed on a bit form my first few ideas, i think the way forward for me now will be for my to do stop motion i think its the only way i can represent the darker side to Batman, plus the program is starting to stress me out so i think this is the way forward.

- also these aren't very clear as i have tried to draw from what the screen will show so the next post will be screen grabs, you'll get the idea much better.

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