Saturday 30 January 2010

development for finals.

- this ident mixes the two scenes, the bats are ment to be symbolic for when he says "as a symbol.." i don't really think it works very well. Im going to look at other scenes i have collected an see if any of those mix well, as a lot of film advertisements show more than just once scene from a film, i just want to show a bit of variety.

- i mentioned earlier i really wanted to use a scene from batman including the joker, this one has always stuck out in my mind from the dark knight, i think it works really well. A few people have asked if they are all in fact separate images or i have copy and pasted twice, well i have but only for the last 20 layers when the Film 4 comes onto the screen as i ran out of images, but i don't think it matters too much or its too obvious and i have been looking at it for hours :)

- i have added the bottom 3 not just to show different scenes but also different film 4 endings. I am not sure which i like best but at the moment i am swayed towards the black and white, i want to get feed back from other people to see which they like best.

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