Saturday 30 January 2010

DVD backgrounds and buttons.

- i have added some buttons, just to see what it looks like, however the least amount of buttons on one page is 3, some of them have several more. I am very undecided in one aspect it really adds to the theme of the DVD but in another it really doesn't work. I'm going to raise this in my next crit.

more dvd backgrounds

- as promised a few more design ideas for the DVD background, i wanted something plainer and darker. I have added the Batman symbol but i think it is perhaps too much, when i add symbols and type i think the page will be too full. Before i make any decisions i need to test out these pages with buttons.

development for finals.

- this ident mixes the two scenes, the bats are ment to be symbolic for when he says "as a symbol.." i don't really think it works very well. Im going to look at other scenes i have collected an see if any of those mix well, as a lot of film advertisements show more than just once scene from a film, i just want to show a bit of variety.

- i mentioned earlier i really wanted to use a scene from batman including the joker, this one has always stuck out in my mind from the dark knight, i think it works really well. A few people have asked if they are all in fact separate images or i have copy and pasted twice, well i have but only for the last 20 layers when the Film 4 comes onto the screen as i ran out of images, but i don't think it matters too much or its too obvious and i have been looking at it for hours :)

- i have added the bottom 3 not just to show different scenes but also different film 4 endings. I am not sure which i like best but at the moment i am swayed towards the black and white, i want to get feed back from other people to see which they like best.

Monday 25 January 2010

Ident tests.

- posted a little late, but better late than never! these were my first design ideas all i have to say about them is awful!!!

- the first test on how my screen grabs would work as stop motion its only short but i feel its much more successful that the first three. I have decided to go with this idea and develop other images. After speaking to other people they also agree this is a much more fluid idea and represents the darker side which is what i want from my idents.

Friday 22 January 2010

Interim Evaluation


What is the problem?
creating 5 idents.

What subject/area of study are you focussing on?
Batman film week for Superhero film season.

To what depth are you investigating this area/subject? Is this sufficient?
I have look at existing batman films, there most memorable moments and quotes from each film. Imagery from Batman films i think it would be beneficial for me to investigate popular batman film clips and idents.

What is the form and amount of your research to date?
I think i have spent a large amount of time looking at lines in films, as at the moment i want this to be a key part of my ident i want the quotes i end up choosing to be really strong and draw someone in who hasn't seen the film. I think its fair to say i need to research more batman related film imagery or film clips to see from others views what they think are most memorable other than quotes.

What visual material do you have to work with? What media/format is it?
Mostly film, but i also have imagery and stills from films. Silhouettes and symbols.

Is there an appropriate amount of work for the time you have had to develop it? 
I think so, because i now have all the background information to begin my idents and a deeper understanding of the films. I don't have much imagery or development work of storyboards at the moment so move forward with.

If there isn’t why is this? How could you improve your work-rate?
I think because i spent so long looking deeper into the films and looking for really good action shots to use and audio clips, perhaps it would have been better to look at creating my own motion graphic images rather than film stills, then i would have been able to storyboard more? But then i have tried to work from the beginning to my skill level.

What is your timescale? When is the deadline?
In 3 weeks, i plan to have story boarded a lot lot more as its the area for me to gain marks as well as helping me plan. I plan for the second week to have pretty much finished my idents and to have my DVD backgrounds completed. Then my final week i plan to update my blog as i no i fall behind, redo anything i strongly dislike an make my DVD and packaging.

What is achievable in the time available? 

What methods are you using to evaluate the progress of your ideas?
Crits and feedback from peers. 


What are you identifying as areas worth developing further?
DVD backgrounds, sound clips and film clips.

What are you trying to communicate?
The deeper and darker side to Batman.

What audience have you identified?
Film4 adults who like superhero films.

What problem(s) have you identified?
making something that looks good, gets your attention in a small amount of time with very limited skills :)

How do you intend to solve this (these)?

by playing to my skills, so using stills and making my idents stop motion and using some memorable audio and film clips.

What is your intention?
To make them look professional and not cheesy.


Have you moved on from your initial starting point. If so how and why?
Yes. Originally i was going to create idents advertising superhero film season, but i struggled to come up with anything to inspire me as i was constantly thinking well i wont be able to make that etc so it was suggested to me in the very first crit i narrowed my idea down to make it less complicated so i did to Batman.

What methods are you using to document this development?
My blog.

What processes will you need to use to develop your work?
Try and try and try again.

Do these processes require workshop access?
Yes i will be using allll the software at college.

When do you intend to access these workshops?
As soon as i possibly can.


sooo i never got the feedback as i almost left eeeek but i think its ok iv spoken to people and i pretty much now from my work what i need to improve.

Thursday 21 January 2010

DVD background

- I couldn't resist trying out the buttons :)
 I need to work on the type before i add any other information, i think i will use this as the home page. I don't want to use this for all pages, something plainer which is my next step i also need to look for batman themed type as mentioned earlier.

DVD background

 I began with experimenting with some paint and ink (the top one) scanned it in and developed it into the second one, which i quite like. Because i am using screen grabs for my idents i wanted to make my DVD pages hand made and more of my own work, plus i enjoyed making them. Im thinking the batman symbol for the buttons, but first i'm going to design some more backgrounds.

Test layers

 - Both are for Batman begins, they are very basic, the best way to start i think. I am going to animate the type depending on the time scale but  at the moment im thinking of changing the scale of the text and fade in and out the silhouettes which i need to add i also intend for the type to be batman themed some batman themed type..... let the testing begin!

Story boards - Dark Knight


Story boards - Dark Knight

- everyone remember the joker from the Dark Knight even though its a Batman film it may as well be joker anyway thats not the point, i definitely want to use the joker in at least one of my idents. However i'm not sure this is the right scene for it.

Story boards - Dark Knight


Wednesday 20 January 2010

story boards - Dark Knight

Story boards - Dark Knight


- another pan around, i think this will really well because batman is also flying in this scene but i feel it would work better with another scene blended in together. 

story boards -Batman Begins

Story boards -Batman Begins

- I really like this one as well, i think the deep and meaningful audio clip against the pan around of batman looking around the city could work really well, and draw people who haven't seen the film before in. It doesn't reveal too much of the film which i like.

Story boards -Batman Begins

- i think i may use this imagery for one of my idents, to represent Batman week as a whole possibly i need so see how smooth it works when put together first but its quite mysterious and dark which is just what i want.

Story boards -Batman Begins

- screen grabs and audio to show what may happen in this scene. When taken away from the film i do think now that this doesn't quite grab your attention like i wanted and isn't really very memorable.

Story boards

So these are some initial story boards, the first 3 are some we had to make for crit (the other 3 are screen grabs on the next post) My first ideas really are to possible use silhouettes and moving type in time to the audio i will be using. Its quite basic but i need to start basic and progress hopefully as im quite limited with what i can do atm.
Font size
- just to add i have made these now and they are awful and plus they don't last very long at all soo initial idea scrapped.

all the above storyboards are imagery from films, i have developed on a bit form my first few ideas, i think the way forward for me now will be for my to do stop motion i think its the only way i can represent the darker side to Batman, plus the program is starting to stress me out so i think this is the way forward.

- also these aren't very clear as i have tried to draw from what the screen will show so the next post will be screen grabs, you'll get the idea much better.

Saturday 16 January 2010