Sunday 25 April 2010


The image module has had a really positive effect on my creative choices. Before this module i new i like illustrating and handmade craft but i wasn't sure what i was actually go at or what even looked good. This module has given me the possibility to experiment with different areas within image and find out my strengths, this positive influence has also made me realise how much i prefer it to type.

I was slightly concerned when i began the image brief, that my work would be a really poor quality compared to everyone else and i wasn't really sure what i was getting myself into, i heard the words 'moving image' and wondered if this was the right decision, but we explored a new and different way of doing this and it opened me to the different possibilities there are, not everything has to be produced digitally for it to be on screen. This is think is where my love for handmade onto screen developed and i became more confident in my own work and possibilities of it.

I found it difficult getting back into the process of documenting development on paper, as i hadn't done this process for a while and we hadn't done any short week or 2 week long briefs. The development of my work process lack's in this area mainly towards the first few weeks, however at the time i had several other briefs ongoing at the same time, this also distracted me from the process of developing different ideas. However my work was quite rushed and lacks imagination, the first brief i feel is definitely one of the worst but again this was at a time i was trying to adapt back to a different working method whilst continuing at the same time as my current one for a different module.

I really enjoyed getting back into smaller one week briefs, this and the 'image' based briefs made me happy and love what i was doing again, as i was going through a bit of a course stress at the time! I found out new things about myself and new ways of working, I had never worked solely with paper before and i really enjoyed the book brief and the origami i developed from it this was a completely new approach to something i would have ever chosen before. The negotiatiated brief however is where i finally found my mark and thoroughly enjoyed the whole process and found a way of illustrating i really enjoyed and looked professional as a final piece.

I am really pleased i took the image module and feel it has had a really positive effect on my creative influences as a designer and has helped me find a way to work that i really enjoy, by concentrating solely on image and exploring different areas.

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