Saturday, 4 December 2010

Type Faces

I have been looking at different Christmas designs that i like, which include quite a lot of type but still hold image, i struggle when it comes to type so i feel something which relates to the images and theme would really help. Many of the designs i have found have calligraphy style type to it, which is quite swirly and fancy I much prefer to work with this style of type with image that plain type as I feel its more of an image that a type face.

I felt using ink would give the type a nice touch and look slightly freer that if i were to use a pen. I really like this first type face it works really well and is very traditional, its easy to read which is necessary as the type will be surrounded by image in some way.

The second type I really liked as i was drawing it but from a distance its not as legible as the first, I think this is perhaps because the lines are quiet thin in caparison to the first. This type of type would work really well with limited image as it is very decorative, at this point im not sure what level of illustration I want to use or if the focus will be on the type.

This final type, is not as traditional as the first 2 however I do still really like it, the thick line makes it stand out and its too decorative, which is probably the style I will need for when I introduce image. But I wont really be able to judge any of the styles until I start illustrating.

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