Tuesday 24 November 2009

Evaluation - Module 1

I feel i have learn a lot from beginning to end of thins module, to start with i new very little and i fell i have progressed more in the past 5 weeks than i did in the entire of the first year. I have really enjoyed myself on  this module although i have found it extremely challenging. I decided at the beginning of the module i wanted to work on something which wasn't specifically my area in which i normally work and try and develop some new skills through this. I took this opportunity to work in different methods to produce a different variety of outcomes, i typically work hand made and craft my work, so this was a great opportunity to allow myself to work with a mac and different source material. It also gave me a wider variety of research, which is generally a weakness i had in my work last year. I tended to ignore my research and move on in a direction i desired rather than use the research to try and help my work which i feel i finally have in this print module, i think this is because i was continuously learning throughout the module. Because of this i have experimented and investigated into a variety of media and process because i didn't really know anything about it. I have found out about print processes from paper stock to products such as plastic bottles, i feel if any area i have struggled in this module it probably would be to print process as i tend to get them all a bit muddled, i prefer to spend my time creating, which isn't the best idea for when i leave as the more i know, a larger variety of opportunities opens up for me. 
For the first time since beginning the course i do feel i have used an appropriate amount of experimentation and research into my designs, before i used to jump straight into an idea and go with that, but with this module i have started from scratch and let my work take me to my final piece through lots of design development. I am actually glad i did this, as i feel i never would have produced the outcome i have, before this module i hated the idea of going through a development process to get an outcome, no i definitely feel i will be doing it all the time, i think its had a positive effect on my work. I feel i have documented all this clearly, i do however feel my final presentation boards could have been better, and i feel if i am to make them again i have a better understanding of what should go on them and for the 16 page booklet i think it would be more appropriate for me to have looked at paper stock and the layout more to improve on the quality of it. 
I feel in relation to the brief my both of my outcomes are successful, i mentioned above that the stack for the 16 page booklet would be something beneficial for me to look at, i feel this would improve the booklet, i also feel if i had more time there are certain areas on the booklet i would have like to apply a gloss to, but these are all small improvement i will try to amend in the future. I am happy with my 'what is good' outcome however i do not feel the way in which i have submitted my work shows it of to its potential at all, my research is thorough which i am not sure the pdf format shows off, but also the submission on 5 boards, i feel towards the end i gave up because i realised the actual product its self would not be marked, so i did not make an improved final leaflet even though there are a few more amendments to it, and i did not spend time mocking up at least one bottle. I have learnt a great deal through this module and i think i will enter the next one, slightly wiser in how to approach my working methods towards the end.

5 things i would do differently next time:

Definitely spend more time producing my boards and showing my work of to its fullest potential.
Use more secondary research in both briefs but especially the 16 page booklet.
Mock up the actual bottles.
Print the whole 16 page booklet and look into stock for this.
Use tutors more and to have a larger variety of views on my work for greater improvement.

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